Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Post #1

Hello, fellow Romans, and good day, but it is not one for me however. My mother, Agrippina the Younger, has been banished to the Pontian Islands. Because my father, Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, recently died and I have no one to look after me. I am afraid I am going to have to live with Domitia Lepida, my aunt. I have also just gained word that Emperor Caligula has claimed my inheritance. So, Romans, I am afraid to say that my life is taking a downturn, and I am not even above the age of 16 years old.

Baker, Charles F., Baker, Rosalie F. Ancient Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
This source has a description of Nero's younger life. (p. 167-170) Secondary Source


  1. Friend Request: Your majesty Emperor Nero,
    I know I am but a plebeian, but I would request that you would accept me as a follower of your blog, not as a friend, but as an enemy. My name is Justinus Veturia Figulus, and I am a Christian potter. You have persectued many of my friends and family members, and for the last two years, I have been imprisoned myself due to you unjustly blaming the Christians for starting the fire that engulfed much of Rome. I would like to discuss this matter with you greatly. Please consider my request carefully.

    Citation: Tacitus. Translator: Grant, Michael. Nero and the Burning of Rome. New York: Penguin Books, 1975.
    Description: This primary source provides information about the great fire of Rome in A.D. 64. I used it to find out about the blaming of Christians for this fire and their following persecution.

  2. You are now an enemy and a friend. Friend Accepted.

  3. Now it's my turn: My friend request: I would like to become your friend/ enemy because I wrote that you tried to kill your mother, and I also accused you of burning Rome.

    No Author. Suetonius. Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia,, 27 April 2011.

  4. Friend Request. I am also a Christian just like Justinus. My family and I live in Rome. Thanks to you we must live in fear of being discovered and then being executed. By useing us as scapegoats we have become an enemy of Rome. Please accept my request to be an enemy rather than a friend.

    Citation: 14 May 2011
    This secondary source talks about hoq Nero used the Christians as scapegoats for the great fire in Rome.

  5. Friend Request, I am Tertius Fume, grain merchant. I would like to be your enemy not you friend. The reason is because when you let the city burn, it burned all of my grain and part of my house. Please think about this reqeust.

    Citation: Tacitus. Translator: Grant, Michael. Nero and the Burning of Rome. New York: Penguin Books, 1975
    This primary source talks about Nero and the burning of Rome, and how it effected many people.

  6. A friend request to the honorable Nero! Sir, you may or may not know me, but you ruled during my time. But I'm sure you've heard of the rumors spread that you've killed my mother, but I shall let that pass.

  7. Grain Merchant, friend accepted
