Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nero's Last Stand

In an attempt to refill the treasury, I am taking a musical tour through Rome. It is not working, the people of Rome are getting iritated about my lack of purpose in the government. I have just been told that the Senate has condemned me to death. I can't let this happen. I won't let this happen. How can I prevent it? What can I do? If I flee? No, that won't work. If I...kill myself? Alas, it is the only way... I am sorry fellow Romans, but this is my last stand. I have to commit suicide... Goodbye...

Ferrero, Guglielmo. Characters and Events of Roman History. New York: Chautauqua Press, 1903.

This book gives a very accurate description and detailed description of the end of his life and why he ended his life. (p. 131-135)


  1. Way to go pyromaniac! I still can't believe you burned Rome! What kind of emperor burns his own city?

  2. Friend Request
    We travelled together on the tour of Rome.

    Scarre, Chris. Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. 1995.

    "Vespasian." Sheraton. Roman Empire. May 10, 2011.

  3. I don't understand what you mean that killing yourself is the only way out of your own death? Is it not ironic that you are trying to escape death yet suicide is what you yourself choose for your fate. At least go out by a conspiracy like Caesar did. His fate still lives on. I cannot believe I am saying this but there are other options. As a Christian my response to your decision of suicide should be relief yet I do not react that way. So strange am I. My opinion may not mean much to you but I still ask you to reconsider suicide.

  4. Nero, it pains me to read this. But as much as it pains me to read this, I can only shake my head and wonder why. Why did you have to commit such a horrid crime? Why did you persecute the innocent? Why did you burn Rome? Why? All of what you did was very unwise, and I'm sure you know it now. But as I always say, "No mortal man, moreover is wise at all moments."

    No Author. "Pliny the Elder Quotes." Brainy Quotes,,17 May 2011

  5. Friend Request:
    We are cousians on my father's (Marcus Valerius Messalla Barbatus) side.

  6. Friend Request: I think that we will be great friends because we both have many things in common. We were both a very powerful figure in Rome.

    Baker, Rosalie F., and Charles F. Baker III. Ancient Romans. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

  7. I would like to be your friend because as in your reign, people started hating me during mine. Blaming me for unblamable things.

  8. Nero,
    Please except my apology for the confusion but really you are my son-in-law not my cousin! I was mistaken because of fake information a slave told me! I knew my daughter married you but, for some reason I let this slave sway my correct information.
    Please except my sincere apology.

  9. friend request i thing you owe it to me to be my friend i belive it was you who started the grate fire and the burnt down the Circus Maximus.

  10. Nero, Nero, Nero! Why did you go commit suicide? I can't see how that can ever be a wise option. I completely agree with Julia Kaloethes. I know you persecuted Christians, but when we die, we will go to heaven; because you didn't believe, you won't. As Solomon once said in one of his proverbs,

    "The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to his death."
    Proverbs 11:19, Holy Bible: New International Version.

    Why, Nero, why? It pains me greatly.

  11. NERO it was you. You started the fire so it is your fault the the great Circus Maximus is gone i hate you and better watch your back.

  12. Nero i am glad for your death, You have been a horrible emperor. I hope that your succesur is a much better person
